How to Embed Widgets

Our widgets can be embeded in web pages. The embed code is obtained by clicking the embed button () in dashboard.

That will open a dialog box containing two embed codes: one for embedding the widget with background and another one for embedding only the widget (no background). Choose the code suitable for you and add it to your page.


Pre-Save/Pre-Order Widget Setup

The widgets are set up as order widgets by default. This means that all texts on retail buttons (iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, etc.) read “Download” or “Order”. In order to change the text to Pre-Order, simply select “Yes” in Pre-order field when creating the widget.
For existing widgets go to “Edit Widget”

and change the Pre-order option to “Yes”.

When the album is released, come back and set the Pre-order option to “No” and all texts on buttons will be switched to “Order”/”Download”.


How to Set MP4 Video as Background

Our platform enables users to customize their widget’s background using different static or dynamic, pre-set or personalized themes. We also introduced the option to add an mp4 video as background. Whether it is a newly launched video for a song you want to promote or an exclusive video created for fans, you can maximize its exposure by posting it as background for the widget.
To add a mp4 background to your widget click on the Edit Widget button.

In Settings field add the link to your mp4 video following the structure shown below.

Then, click on Advanced Settings and select Video (MP4) as Background Effect.